How To Freeze French Macaroons: Our Best Tips

French macarons are delicate and delicious treats that are loved by many. These thin meringue cookies with a creamy filling come in a variety of flavors and are perfect for any special event or just for a sweet treat. But what if you have made a large batch of macarons or want to store some for later enjoyment? The good news is that French macarons can be frozen and enjoyed at a later date. In this blog post, we will discuss the best way to freeze French macaroons and provide you with our top tips for the freezing process.

Why Freeze French Macaroons?

Before we dive into the best tips for freezing French macaroons, let's discuss why you would want to freeze them in the first place. There are a few reasons why freezing macarons may be a great option for you.

Firstly, freezing macarons allows you to extend their shelf life. Macarons are best enjoyed within 2-3 days of being made, as they tend to lose their original texture after that. By freezing them, you can enjoy them at a later date without worrying about them going bad.

Secondly, if you have a special event coming up, freezing macarons is a great idea. You can make a large batch of macarons and freeze them for later use, saving you time and effort on the day of the event.

Lastly, freezing macarons is a great way to preserve their unique texture. French macarons are delicate treats and can easily lose their outer crunch if not stored properly. Freezing them helps to maintain their texture and ensures that you can enjoy them as if they were fresh.

Top Tips for Freezing French Macaroons

Now that we've discussed the benefits of freezing French macaroons, let's dive into the top tips for a successful freezing process.

1. Choose the Right Container

The first step in freezing macaroons is choosing the right container. You want to make sure that the container you use is airtight and freezer-safe. This will prevent any air or moisture from getting to the macarons, which can affect their texture and taste.

Some great options for containers include airtight plastic containers, freezer bags, or even macaron boxes specifically designed for freezing. Just make sure that the container is large enough to hold the macarons in a single layer without touching each other.

2. Freeze Unfilled Macaron Shells

If you are making a large batch of macarons, it may be a good idea to freeze the unfilled macaron shells. This is because filled macarons tend to lose their texture and become soggy when frozen. By freezing the unfilled shells, you can easily fill them with your desired filling at a later date and enjoy fresh macarons.

3. Wrap the Baking Sheet with Plastic Wrap

Another great way to freeze macarons is to wrap the baking sheet with plastic wrap and freeze it. This method is especially useful if you want to freeze fully assembled macarons. Simply place the macarons on a parchment-lined baking sheet and wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. Then, place the sheet in an airtight container and freeze.

4. Use Parchment Paper or Wax Paper

When freezing macarons, it's important to use parchment paper or wax paper to prevent the macarons from sticking to each other. This will ensure that you can easily remove them from the container and enjoy them without any mess.

5. Freeze in a Single Layer

As mentioned earlier, it's important to freeze macarons in a single layer. This will prevent them from sticking to each other and maintain their shape and texture. If you need to freeze multiple layers, make sure to place a layer of parchment paper or wax paper between each layer.

6. Freeze the Best Fillings

When it comes to filling macarons, some fillings freeze better than others. Ganache, buttercream, and cream cheese fillings are among the best fillings to freeze. Fruit jams and curd fillings may also freeze well, but they may alter the texture and taste of the macarons once thawed.

7. Freeze in Cold Temperatures

To ensure the best results, it's important to freeze macarons in cold temperatures. This means placing them in the coldest part of your freezer, such as the back or bottom shelf. Avoid placing them near the door, as the temperature may fluctuate when the door is opened.

8. Freeze for a Maximum of 2-3 Months

While freezing macarons can extend their shelf life, it's important to note that they should not be frozen for an extended period. For the best experience, freeze macarons for a maximum of 2-3 months. After that, the chances of freezer burn and loss of texture increase.

9. Thaw in the Refrigerator

When you're ready to enjoy your frozen macarons, make sure to thaw them in the refrigerator. This will prevent any condensation from forming and affecting the texture of the macarons. Thawing at room temperature or in the microwave may cause the macarons to become soggy.

10. Avoid Direct Sunlight and Heat

When storing macarons, whether in the freezer or at room temperature, it's important to avoid direct sunlight and heat. These elements can cause the macarons to become soft and lose their original texture.

Alternative Ways to Freeze Macarons

Aside from the methods mentioned above, there are a few alternative ways to freeze macarons that you may find useful.

1. Use a Ziplock Bag

If you don't have an airtight container, you can also use a ziplock bag to freeze macarons. Simply place the macarons in a single layer in the bag, remove as much air as possible, and seal it tightly.

2. Use the Piping Bag Method

The piping bag method is another great way to freeze macarons. Fill a piping bag with your desired filling and pipe it onto one macaron shell. Then, place another shell on top and gently press to create a sandwich. Place the macarons in a plastic airtight container and freeze.

3. Freeze in a Sheet Pan

If you don't have a large enough container to freeze macarons, you can also use a sheet pan. Place the macarons in a single layer on a parchment-lined sheet pan and freeze. Once frozen, transfer them to an airtight container for long-term storage.

Frequently Asked Questions About Freezing French Macaroons

1. Can I freeze store-bought macarons?

Yes, you can freeze store-bought macarons. Just make sure to follow the same steps mentioned in this blog post for the best results.

2. How long can I store macarons in the freezer?

Macarons can be stored in the freezer for a maximum of 2-3 months for the best quality.

3. Can I freeze homemade macarons?

Yes, you can freeze homemade macarons. Just make sure to follow the steps mentioned above for the best results.

4. How do I store macarons at room temperature?

Macarons can be stored at room temperature for 2-3 days. Place them in an airtight container and keep them away from direct sunlight and heat.

5. Can I freeze macarons with all types of fillings?

Some fillings, such as fruit jams and curd fillings, may alter the texture and taste of the macarons when frozen. It's best to stick to fillings like ganache, buttercream, and cream cheese for the best results.


In conclusion, freezing French macaroons is a great way to extend their shelf life and preserve their unique texture. By following these simple steps and using the right containers, you can enjoy delicious macarons even after a couple of months. So go ahead and freeze a batch of macarons for your next special event or just for a sweet treat whenever you're craving it. Happy freezing!


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