How To Freeze Cooked Ground Turkey So It Can Last

Ground turkey is a versatile and lean protein that can be used in a variety of dishes, making it a staple in many households. However, sometimes we may find ourselves with more ground turkey than we can use right away. In these situations, freezing the cooked ground turkey is a great way to extend its shelf life and have it on hand for future meals. But, how do you freeze cooked ground turkey so it can last? In this blog post, we will discuss the best way to freeze cooked ground turkey, the recommended storage times, and the proper storage guidelines to ensure food safety.

Understanding the Shelf Life of Ground Turkey

Before we dive into the steps for freezing cooked ground turkey, it's important to understand the shelf life of ground turkey in general. When purchased from the grocery store, ground turkey typically has an expiration date or sell-by date. This date is an estimation of how long the ground turkey will stay fresh if stored properly. However, it's important to note that the sell-by date does not necessarily mean that the ground turkey will go bad after that date. It is simply an indicator for the store to know when to rotate their stock.

The shelf life of ground turkey also depends on whether it is raw or cooked. Raw ground turkey can last in the fridge for 1-2 days while cooked ground turkey can last for 3-4 days. When frozen, ground turkey can last for 3-4 months. It's important to consume the ground turkey within this time frame to maintain the best quality and nutritional value.

Why Should You Freeze Cooked Ground Turkey?

Freezing cooked ground turkey is a great way to save time and money. By freezing the ground turkey, you can buy it in bulk and use it for multiple meals, saving you a trip to the grocery store and money in the long run. It's also a great way to have cooked ground turkey on hand for quick and easy meals, especially during busy weeknights. Additionally, freezing cooked ground turkey can help prevent food waste, as you can freeze any leftover ground turkey instead of letting it go bad in the fridge.

What is the Best Way to Freeze Cooked Ground Turkey?

The best way to freeze cooked ground turkey is to follow these steps:

1. Allow the Cooked Ground Turkey to Cool

Before freezing your cooked ground turkey, make sure to let it cool completely. Placing hot food in the freezer can cause the temperature in the freezer to rise, which can lead to freezer burn.

2. Divide the Ground Turkey into Portions

Divide the cooked ground turkey into portions that are suitable for your future use. This can be one-pound portions for making turkey burgers or smaller portions for adding to pasta sauce or salads.

3. Date and Label the Portions

It's important to date and label the portions before freezing them. This will help you keep track of when the ground turkey was frozen and ensure that you use it within the recommended storage time.

4. Use an Airtight Container or Plastic Bag

Place the portions of cooked ground turkey in an airtight container or a heavy-duty freezer bag. Removing as much air as possible from the container or bag will help prevent freezer burn and maintain the texture of your ground turkey.

5. Place in the Freezer

Once the cooked ground turkey is packaged and sealed, place it in the freezer. Make sure to leave some space around the container or bag for air circulation.

Different Ways to Freeze Cooked Ground Turkey

There are a few different ways to freeze cooked ground turkey, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Let's take a look at the different methods and which one may be best for you.

1. Airtight Containers

Using airtight containers is a great option for freezing cooked ground turkey. These containers are specifically designed for freezing food and can help prevent air exposure, which can cause freezer burn. They also come in various sizes, making it easy to portion out your cooked ground turkey.

2. Plastic Bags

Using plastic bags to freeze cooked ground turkey is a convenient and space-saving option. Make sure to use heavy-duty freezer bags and remove as much air as possible before sealing them. This method is also great for storing different portions of cooked ground turkey, as you can easily label and stack them in the freezer.

3. Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil

Wrapping cooked ground turkey in heavy-duty aluminum foil can also be a good option for freezing. Make sure to wrap the ground turkey tightly and seal the edges to prevent air exposure.

4. Vacuum Seal System

A vacuum seal system is a great investment for those who plan to freeze food regularly. This method removes all the air from the packaging, preventing freezer burn and extending the shelf life of your food. However, it can be a bit pricey and may not be necessary if you only freeze food occasionally.

Tips for the Freezing Process

No matter which method you choose for freezing your cooked ground turkey, here are some tips to keep in mind for the freezing process:

1. Freeze in One-Pound Portions

Freezing your cooked ground turkey in one-pound portions is a good idea, as it is a common measurement for many recipes. This will make it easier to thaw and use the ground turkey in future meals.

2. Remove as Much Air as Possible

As mentioned before, removing as much air as possible from the packaging will help prevent freezer burn and maintain the quality of your ground turkey.

3. Flash Freeze for Best Results

Flash freezing is the process of freezing food quickly at a very low temperature. To flash freeze your cooked ground turkey, place the portions on a cookie sheet and place it in the freezer for about an hour. Once the ground turkey is partially frozen, you can then transfer it to an airtight container or plastic bag for long-term storage.

4. Freeze on the Bottom Shelf

It's best to freeze your cooked ground turkey on the bottom shelf of your freezer. This is the coldest part of the freezer and will help maintain the proper temperature for freezing.

How to Thaw Ground Turkey

When you're ready to use your frozen ground turkey, it's important to thaw it properly to ensure food safety. The safest way to thaw ground turkey is to place it in the fridge and let it thaw slowly. This method may take a bit longer, but it's the best way to prevent harmful bacteria growth. If you're short on time, you can also thaw the ground turkey in cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes. Avoid thawing ground turkey at room temperature, as this can lead to bacterial growth.

Signs of Spoilage in Ground Turkey

It's important to note the signs of spoilage in ground turkey. If you notice any of these signs, do not consume the ground turkey and discard it immediately:

1. Slimy Texture

If the ground turkey has a slimy texture, it is a sign of spoilage and should not be consumed.

2. Sour Smell

If the ground turkey has a sour or off smell, it is a sign of bacterial growth and should not be consumed.

3. Ice Crystals

If there are large ice crystals on the surface of the ground turkey, it is a sign of temperature fluctuations and freezer burn. This can affect the texture of your ground turkey and should be discarded.

4. Foul Smell

If the ground turkey has a foul smell, it is a sign of spoilage and should not be consumed.

Proper Storage Guidelines for Ground Turkey

To ensure food safety and maintain the quality of your ground turkey, it's important to follow these proper storage guidelines:

1. Store Ground Turkey at 40°F or Lower

Ground turkey should be stored at a temperature of 40°F or lower to prevent bacterial growth. Make sure to check your fridge and freezer temperatures regularly.

2. Consume Within Recommended Storage Times

As mentioned before, raw ground turkey can last for 1-2 days in the fridge, cooked ground turkey can last for 3-4 days in the fridge, and frozen ground turkey can last for 3-4 months. Make sure to consume the ground turkey within these recommended storage times for the best quality and safety.

3. Store Ground Turkey Away from Raw Meat

When storing ground turkey in the fridge or freezer, make sure to keep it away from raw meat to prevent cross-contamination.

4. Use-by Date

If you plan to freeze the ground turkey, make sure to do so before the use-by date on the original packaging. Freezing ground turkey after the use-by date can affect its quality and safety.


Freezing cooked ground turkey is a great way to extend its shelf life and have it on hand for future meals. By following the proper storage guidelines and recommended storage times, you can ensure food safety and maintain the nutritional value of your ground turkey. Whether you use airtight containers, plastic bags, or heavy-duty aluminum foil, make sure to remove as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn. Properly thawing the ground turkey is also important for food safety. By following these steps and tips, you can freeze cooked ground turkey in the right way and enjoy it in easy and delicious meals for weeks to come.


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