How Long Does Cantaloupe Last In The Fridge? How To Store It

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon or cucumis melo, is a versatile fruit that is loved by many for its sweet and juicy flesh. This delicious fruit is not only a great addition to fruit bowls and fruit salads, but it can also be enjoyed on its own as a refreshing snack or made into a delicious drink. But what about its shelf life? How long does cantaloupe last in the fridge and what is the best way to store it to ensure it stays fresh and delicious? In this blog post, we will answer all your questions and provide you with some tips on how to store cantaloupe properly.

The Shelf Life of Cantaloupe

First things first, let's talk about the shelf life of cantaloupe. When stored properly, an uncut cantaloupe can last for up to 5 days in the fridge. However, this may vary depending on the ripeness of the melon when you bought it and how it is stored. An unripe cantaloupe will have a longer shelf life compared to a ripe one, but it also won't have the same flavor and sweetness. On the other hand, a ripe cantaloupe will have a shorter shelf life but will be at its peak ripeness and flavor.

The best way to determine the shelf life of your cantaloupes is to check the "Best By" or "Use By" date on the label. This will give you an idea of when the cantaloupe was harvested and how long it can last before it starts to spoil. Typically, cantaloupes that are sold in grocery stores have a shelf life of 7-10 days from the time they were harvested. This means that you have a couple of days to enjoy your cantaloupe before it starts to go bad.

Storing Whole Uncut Cantaloupe

The best place to store cantaloupe is in the fridge, at cold temperatures. This will slow down the ripening process and help your cantaloupe stay fresh for a longer period of time. If you have purchased a whole cantaloupe, the first step is to make sure it is properly cleaned and free from any dirt or debris. Use a clean cutting board and a sharp knife to cut off any remaining stem end or blossom end.

Next, wrap the whole cantaloupe in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container to prevent any moisture from getting to it. This will help keep the cantaloupe from drying out and maintain its juicy texture. Another good idea is to place a paper towel in the container or wrap it around the cantaloupe to absorb any excess moisture.

Storing Cut-Up Cantaloupe

If you have cut-up cantaloupe pieces that you want to store, the best way is to place them in an airtight container or a plastic bag. Make sure the container is sealed tightly to prevent any air from getting in. This will keep the cantaloupe pieces fresh for a couple of days.

Another great way to store cut-up cantaloupe is by freezing it. This is a great way to reduce food waste and have a supply of cantaloupe for smoothies or fruit salads whenever you want. To freeze cantaloupe, cut it into small pieces or chunks and place them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Once frozen, transfer the cantaloupe pieces into heavy-duty freezer bags and store them in the freezer for up to 8-12 months.

Storing Honeydew Melons and Other Melons

The same storage methods can be applied to other melons such as honeydew melons and cantaloupe melons. The key factors to keep in mind when storing these fruits are cold temperatures, relative humidity, and air circulation. Honeydew and cantaloupe melons are both high in water content, so it is important to store them in a dry place to prevent them from getting moldy.

On the other hand, musk melons or cantaloupe melons have a longer shelf life compared to honeydew melons. This is because they are harvested when they are still unripe and will continue to ripen after being picked. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on the color of the rind and the right level of firmness when storing these melons.

How To Tell If Your Cantaloupe Is Ripe

The best way to tell if your cantaloupe is ripe is by using your senses. A ripe cantaloupe should have a creamy yellow color on the outside and should feel slightly soft when you press on it. It should also have a sweet aroma, which is a sign that it is at its peak ripeness. Another way to tell if a cantaloupe is ripe is by giving it a little shake. If you hear a deep sound, it means that the cantaloupe is ripe and juicy. If it gives off a hollow sound, it is not yet ripe and needs more time to ripen.

Tips on How To Store Cantaloupe

Here are some additional tips on how to store cantaloupe to help extend its shelf life and maintain its best quality:

1. Always wash your hands before handling cantaloupe to prevent any harmful bacteria from getting on the fruit.

2. Store whole cantaloupes away from other fruits and vegetables as they produce ethylene gas, which can speed up the ripening process and cause other fruits and vegetables to spoil faster.

3. When storing cut-up cantaloupe, make sure to use a clean cutting board and knife to prevent any cross-contamination.

4. If you notice any soft spots or an off-putting smell on your cantaloupe, it is best to discard it to prevent any foodborne illnesses.

5. If you are a first-time buyer or unsure about the ripeness of the cantaloupe, it is always best to choose a whole melon and store it at room temperature until it ripens. This way, you can control the ripening process and enjoy a delicious and sweet cantaloupe.

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Aside from being a delicious and refreshing fruit, cantaloupe also has many health benefits. It is a great source of essential vitamins such as vitamin C, which is important for a healthy immune system. Cantaloupe is also high in water content, making it a great way to stay hydrated during hot summer days. It is also low in calories, making it a healthy snack option for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

In Conclusion

In summary, cantaloupe is a delicious and versatile fruit that can be enjoyed in various ways. To keep it fresh and delicious, it is important to store it properly at cold temperatures and away from other fruits and vegetables. Whether you choose to store it whole or cut-up, using airtight containers and plastic bags is the best option. Remember to always check the ripeness of the fruit and discard any spoiled cantaloupe to prevent any food waste. By following these tips, you can enjoy the full shelf life of your cantaloupes and reap all the health benefits this juicy fruit has to offer.


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